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The Holy Island of Lindisfarne 29 June 2025

The Holy Island of Lindisfarne 29 June 2025


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We’re delighted to offer an exclusive pair of day trips in the beautiful and historically significant landscape of The Holy Island of Lindisfarne!


This tour takes in all key parts of the Lindisfarne National Nature Reserve – perhaps the jewel in the crown of the Northumberland coast.

It is possible to choose to join one or both days of the weekend (there’s a discount for doing both). There will be some variances between walks and the plants and other wildlife seen on each day, so to be certain not to miss anything we do recommend making a weekend out of it! That said, even one day will be a rewarding experience and we can advise you on what the differences are between the days when you enquire to book.

What follows is a brief descritopon of some of the places we will go and things we hope to see.

We will take in the Snook – the remote Northern tip of the island – with the aim of exploring the plant life commonly associated with slacks and grey dunes. Here, attendees can enjoy a great many orchids including Common Spotted, Northern Marsh, Early Marsh (and hybrids thereof), Marsh Helleborine and best of all, an island speciality, the Lindisfarne Helleborine. Time will be spent too searching for other plants associated with this special habitat including but not limited to Variegated Horsetail, Round-leaved Wintergreen, Brookweed, Seaside Centaury and Bog Pimpernel, before detouring to areas of saltmarsh with their associated species. If we’re lucky, we may also encounter the lingering flowers of Purple Milk-vetch or Bee Orchid which has only recently colonised the island.

We will make a brief foray into the island’s yellow dunes in search of Pyramidal Orchid and perhaps, the rare Scots Lovage at one of its most southernly outposts on the East coast.

We will visit the island’s village where our first port of call the island’s rocky Western shore. Here, there is a chance we will encounter the poisonous yet beautiful Henbane, introduced here long ago. More reliable species to be seen here include Milk-thistle, Common Sea-lavender and both Rough and Hare’s-foot Clover atop a nearby Whin Sill outcrop. Even the village pavements can be interesting here harbouring an unusual mix of Slender Thistle, Dwarf Mallow and copious Small Nettle.

Departing the village, we will embark on the longest of the day’s walks travelling via the Straight Lonnen to the island’s quarry. Along the way, we can expect to see Autumn Gentian, Carline Thistle, Blue Fleabane, Hound’s-tongue and yet more orchids, before making a pitstop in search of the diminutive Small Adder’s-tongue at its only site in the North East. Nearby, we will spend time searching for Frog Orchids.

From here, our journey will take us back to the village via Chare Ends where we should encounter Common Broomrape.

This trip should provide a broad introduction to the flora of Holy Island, all while enjoying the sights, sounds and other wildlife of this beautiful coastal setting.

This promises to be very popular & we recommend booking soon to avoid disappointment!



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