Lajos Nemeth is a freelance zoologist from Hungary. He has been designing and leading tours for 25 years and has led more than 100 to date. Lajos started as a naturalist by becoming a birder at the tender age of 7. He quickly expanded his interests to butterflies by the time he was 11. His interest and knowledge grew rapidly, and he published his first scientific paper on butterfly conservation before grammar school.

As an adult he has been a member of at least 15 entomological expeditions, in Turkey, the Himalayas, Taiwan, and North Africa. These have resulted in more than 200 species new to science (Noctuidae mainly).

Lajos was also an early contributor for the “Prime Butterfly Areas” and the “Mapping European Butterflies” projects. He also spent years on fly and dragonfly-research, and as a keen birder still holds the record of species on one tour in Eastern Europe (254 species).

He has organized several of the European Butterfly Group – Butterfly Conservation (EBG-BC) fundraising tours to Eastern-Europe, and further afield, to places such as Uganda and Madagascar.

In addition to exploring his own country, Lajos has carried out fieldwork in Slovenia, Croatia and Romania. He loves to go back to his favourite spots very often, but has also travelled to some very remote spots, including Tibet, Sudan, Libya, southern Algeria, Chad, Djibouti, Comoro Islands, Yemen (incl. Socotra) and more. He also feels home in Egypt and Ethiopia, where he spends his winters and guiding photography, deep desert, scuba diving, and birding-safaris.

In 2025 Lajos will be leading butterfly tours to Serbia and Romania. His knowledge of these places for their butterflies (and other wildlife) is second to none and we are very excited and proud to welcome him into the Greenwings team.
